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Presentation about RedCLARA at Forum on advanced networks in Bolivia

How RedCLARA can support the international connectivity of a future advanced network in Bolivia, and what services it can offer for the benefit of Bolivian researchers were some of the topics discussed at the Forum "Bolivian Advanced Network" held on Wednesday, January 10.

The purpose of the forum was to show the public the efforts that the country is making to create a National Research and Education Network,NREN, as well as the opportunities that come with it. RedCLARA is a key player in achieving this goal, providing the necessary e-infrastructure for international connectivity, but also services and projects such as BELLA II that open a world of possibilities to facilitate the purpose of the RNI or Advanced Networks.

RedCLARA was represented at the event by Mark Urban, Director of International Cooperation, Academic Relations and Communications. Among the services presented, Urban highlighted tools such as eduroam, edugain and eduVPN, as well as projects such as MiLab and LacNet, to an audience that included other regional authorities such as the President of the Bolivian Chapter of the Internet Society, Roberto Zambrana, and rectors and ICT directors of Bolivian universities.

The event also included a discussion and the launching of the book "La vía del futuro" by Edmundo Paz Soldán, which deals with the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence. The "Bolivian Advanced Network" Forum was organized by the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS), in Bolivia.

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