Starting date: 01 June 2016
Funding: Funding for BELLA-T is provided by the European Union via DG-DEVCO (€8 million), and by the Latin American National Research and Education Networks – cash and in-kind.
To achieve a long-term and significant improvement of the South American network, enabling RedCLARA to guarantee full and equal access by LA NRENs to the capacity to be procured on a direct Europe - Latin America submarine cable. This will be realised by upgrading RedCLARA's optical infrastructure in South America, which will allow the deployment of an optical network, generating synergies with the NRENs of the region, through increased capillarity and effectiveness.
DFN (Germany), FCT (Portugal), GARR (Italy), RedIRIS (Spain), RENATER (France), GÉANT (Europe). CEDIA (Ecuador), RENATA (Colombia), REUNA (Chile), RNP (Brazil), RedCLARA (Latin America - Coordinator).