Since year 2004 RedCLARA provides regional interconnection and connection to the world through its links to GÉANT (pan-European advanced network) and to Internet2 (United States) and, through them, to Africa's advanced networks (UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN, ASREN), Asia (APAN, TEIN, CAREN) and Oceania (AARNET), among others. Thus, the largest academic community in Latin America has been formed, which is actively connected in order to work on multiple projects with international peers.
RedCLARA -Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks)- is a non-profit International Law Organisation, whose legal existence is dated on 23 December 2003, when it was acknowledged as such by the legislation of Uruguay.
RedCLARA develops and operates the only Latin-American advanced Internet network. Established for regional interconnection and linked to GÉANT2 (pan European advanced network) in 2004 via the ALICE Project (which –until March 2008- was co-funded by the European Commission through its @LIS Programme), RedCLARA provides regional interconnection and connection to the world through its international links to GÉANT and Internet2 (USA) and, through them, to Africa's advanced networks (UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN, ASREN), Asia (APAN, TEIN, CAREN) and Oceania (AARNET), among others. Thanks to the ALICE2 Project, between December 2008 and March 2012, RedCLARA could significantly improve the capacity of its network and expand its benefits for its members and regional research communities.
RedCLARA is constituted by 13 Latin American countries and its Assembly –where each country has representative- meets every six months to define courses of action and the policies to be implemented.
Strengthen the development of science, education, culture and innovation in Latin America through the innovative use of advanced networks.
We are guided by cooperation, commitment, innovation, solidarity and responsibility.
We interconnected the National Research and Education Networks (RNIE) of
Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay and we connect them
to the advanced academic networks of the rest of the world for
benefit the development of science and academia, generating capabilities
for intraregional and transcontinental research in all
the areas of knowledge, promoting the development of applications that eliminate borders.
But this is not all, because in the essence of RedCLARA there is the imperative
of regional integration, for this we work tirelessly to
connect to ALL countries in the region.