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Scientific Collaboration
in Climate Change

In early 2019, the Summit of the Americas of Advanced Networks was held to develop a common agenda, address pressing issues, and join forces to increase cooperation on science, technology, and innovation.

Considering the vast amount of possible subjects of study, the Summit decided to cooperate, at first, in research linked to one of the UN proposals for 2030, considered a priority for the survival of humanity: climate change, a theme that is mobilizing the planet.

Community Goals

1. Identify synergies and opportunities for collaboration among researchers in the region working in areas related to:

  • Environmental sciences
  • Earth and planetary sciences
  • Agricultural and biometric sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Renewable energy

2. Identify the infrastructure requirements of the researchers to allow them to develop their collaborative research with international peers.
3. Articulate, together with national networks, the construction of scenarios for scientific collaboration in climate change.


After the formation of the community, with the support of the RedCLARA member National Networks, researchers with active work in the above mentioned areas were invited to join this initiative. Thus, the community is composed of:




José Daniel Pabón

Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Mario Lucero

Universidad Católica de El Salvador

El Salvador

Maria del Carmen Copes

Código R


Juan Armando Sánchez

Universidad de Los Andes


Oscar Cárdenas Hernandez

Universidad de Guadalajara


Agustín Fernández Eguiarte

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Sania Ortega

Universidad Técnica del Norte


Mercy Borbor Cordova

Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral


Edwin Castellanos

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala


Eduardo Santamaria del Ángel

Universidad de Baja California


Lincoln Alves

National Institute for Space Research (INPE)


Fernando José Mendoza

Universidad Nacional Agraria 




Colombian Researchers' Conversatory - July 18, 2019:

At the annual meeting of the Colombian national network, RENATA, a face-to-face meeting was held to identify researchers' requirements on services and resources to effectively collaborate with them. The meeting counted on the participation of eight researchers from different institutions of Colombia, such as IDEAM, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Nacional, among others.

"Opportunities for Collaboration in Climate Change among researchers from the Americas, analysis of experiences and benefits" Webinar - August 8, 2019:

Eighteen researchers from over nine countries in Latin America and the United States participated in this webinar.

Working Table: Resources and Services for Scientific Collaboration - 1-3 September 2019:

The activity was conducted during the TICAL2019 Conference with 10 researchers who previously participated in the Conversatory and Webinar, held in July and August, respectively.

  • Services and resources offered by global research and education networks to researchers, scientists and academics were socialized.
  • Needs and requirements considered most relevant by community members reviewed;
  • The relevant topics to the beginning of the following work plan were defined.


For more information on the initiative and to know how to join, please write to


Junio de 2020: RedCLARA Webinar “Impacto del cambio climático sobre los recursos hidrícos”

11 de junio de 2020: RedCLARA Webinar Cambio Climático “Clima y Salud”

11 de mayo de 2020: RedCLARA Webinar Cambio Climático“Repositorios Científicos de Datos Abiertos”

14 de abril de 2020: RedCLARA Webinar “Cambio Climático: Conclusiones recientes del IPCC y su relevancia para Latinoamérica”

11 de marzo de 2020: RedCLARA Webinar “Cambio Climático: Ciencia y Percepción Pública”

11 de febrero: Webinar “Cambio ambiental global”

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects