RENATA is the national research and education network of Colombia, which connects, articulates and integrates the actors of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI) with each other and the world, through the provision of services, tools and technology infrastructure. Thus, it contributes to improve the level of depth, effectiveness, and competitiveness of the scientific and academic production of the country. RENATA’s goal is to promote the development of infrastructure and the high-speed network services, its use and ownership, as well as coordinate and facilitate actions for the implementation of education, innovation and scientific and technological research projects that stimulate the development of the knowledge and information society in Colombia.
Executive Director:
Said Lamk
(57+1) 5185353
Ext. 1006
Technical Manager:
Carlos Ramírez Guzmán
(57+1) 5185353
Ext. 1003
Ginna Garzón
(57+1) 5185353
Ext. 1001
Directorate of Projects:
Erika Viviana Casas
(57+1) 5185353
Communication Office:
Adrián F. Comas M.
(57+1) 5185353
Ext. 1002
Academic Management:
María Fernanda González
(57+1) 5185353
Ext. 1000
Legal and Contracting Office:
Diana Barón
(57+1) 5185353