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Represented by its respective Executive Directors Luis Eliécer Cadenas and Erik Huizer, the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA) and the pan-European advanced network (GÉANT), in June 12, 2018, signed two agreements of interconnection and cooperation aiming to increase the academic collaboration between the two continents.

The interconnection agreement does establish the legal framework for the exchange of information and content that will later be extended with the BELLA project (Building Europe Link to Latin America). The second agreement is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that defines points of cooperation for mutual support between the two networks at the global level. "We are reaffirming the ties we have had with Europe for many years, particularly with GÉANT. It is great news to be able to continue cooperating with other continents on these issues", said Cadenas.

In the opinion of Erik Huizer, the benefits of the agreements will extend far beyond the two continental networks. "The world is going through many difficulties, such as the shortage of food, energy, etc. I am sure that one of the ways to overcome these challenges is to enable academics and researchers from all over the world to work together to find solutions. With this MoU we want Latin America and Europe to work together and more efficiently."

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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