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Announcement: RedCLARA invites you to participate in the Request for Information (RFI) to Interested Parties to be part of the BELLA II project

Within the framework of the BELLA II project, RedCLARA calls on the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU delegations in this same region, telecommunications and related companies, and all interested parties in the public and private sectors, to participate in this RFI that seeks to determine potential existing and/or planned connectivity infrastructure projects that could have synergies with the objectives of BELLA II.

BELLA II (Building the European Link to Latin America and the Caribbean) seeks to close the digital divide in the region and strengthen and expand the Latin American and Caribbean digital ecosystem. To this end, it is analysing the potential interest of various public and private sector actors in being part of the project through different alternatives for association and provision of services. The instrument “Request for Information (RFI) from Interested Parties” will serve to achieve this objective.

Under the understanding that appropriate connectivity and a strengthened digital ecosystem are the fundamental aspects to facilitate relationships and exchanges between companies, research centres, educational institutions and academic networks, the result of this RFI will be a driving force for achieving the goals strategic objectives of strengthening education, science, technology and innovation of BELLA II (project coordinated by RedCLARA and co-financed by the European Union).

In the document “Request for Information (RFI) from Interested Parties”, in addition to finding all the details about RedCLARA, the infrastructure needs, the required service conditions and the alternatives for participation in this project are described. Likewise, at the end of the document a series of guiding questions are posed to determine the participants' interest in being part of the project. The information provided will be handled confidentially and for BELLA II purposes only.

We appreciate that responses are sent before January 20, 2024 to the email: .

As indicated in the document, if you have any questions or additional information, write to the same email referred in the past paragraph:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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