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LACNIC and RedCLARA, in collaboration with IDB Lab, launch LACNet, offering the first global enterprise-grade blockchain network in production

As a result of the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC, and in collaboration with IDB Lab within the framework of the LACChain regional programme, the first blockchain network in the global public-permissioned sphere, in production and business grade, has born. This network is based on the protocols and experience of LACChain and orchestrated by LACNet, a neutral and non-for-profit international association established for this purpose as part of the House of Internet in Uruguay.


LACNet will allow organizations, governments, and companies to join a network with their projects with the service level guarantee required by this type of interested entities. It is a unique network as it is simultaneously open, governed, regulated, ecological and with a focus on inclusion.

LACNet makes available to the region a secure digital highway for the deployment of solutions based on blockchain technology with the potential to reach millions of people.

Blockchain is one of the emerging technologies with the greatest potential for market transformation and impact on inclusion, due to its ability to guarantee the ownership of its data to vulnerable populations, providing them with access to social, economic and financial services and providing them with a digital identity.

In this scenario, LACNIC, RedCLARA and IDB Lab join forces to continue promoting the development of an inclusive, efficient and secure blockchain ecosystem. This alliance aims to expand the benefits of this technology to all populations, organizations, companies, academic and research communities in the region.

"LACNIC enthusiastically joins this project because of the contribution it can make to building technological capabilities and infrastructure in the region," said Oscar Robles, CEO of LACNIC.

Irene Arias, General Manager of IDB Lab, pointed out that “this is good news for Latin America and the Caribbean, since LACNet makes available to everyone the first global blockchain network associated with internet governance that, with a sustainable operation, will allow us to enhance what we have developed to date to benefit many millions of people”.

Luis Eliécer Cadenas, Executive Director of RedCLARA, stated: “For RedCLARA and its national research and education networks, this project is of great importance due to the impact it has on the services that the educational and scientific sector require and that are based on this technology”.

Finally, Matías Bendersky, IDB Representative in Uruguay, a country that seeks to position itself as a digital hub in the region, commented: "This blockchain network represents a great opportunity to promote the internationalization of companies and attract investments from the technology sector."



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Contact point:


Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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