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Now open the call 2011 of the CYTED Programme

CYTEDThe call, led to proposals for the development of thematic networks and research projects consortium, will be open from February 1st until March 31 at 17h (local time in Madrid, Spain) and will indicate the investigation lines included in Annex 1 of the Call Rules (
With the objective of contribute to harmonious and sustainable development of the Latin American region through collaboration and cooperation among Science and Technology National Institutions (ONCYT), the agencies for the promotion of innovation, the research groups of universities, R&D centers and companies from Latin America, The Ibero-American Programme of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) has opened its annual public call for Actions CYTED 2011.

The call will be open from February 1st to March 31 at 17h (local time in Madrid, Spain) and will be available the research areas indicated in the Annex 1 of the Call Rules ( This document specifies the participation instruments allowed on each line called (Thematic Network or Consortium Research Project for this call) of the 7 scientific and technological areas in which is developed the CYTED Programme (Agribusiness, Health Promotion Industrial Development, Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems, Information Technology and Communications, Science and Society and Energy)

The call is addressed to:

• In the case of Thematic Networks, the coordinator must be an individual belonging to a legal entity established in a Latin American country (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela).
Each proposal must have a minimum of 6 participating groups (group coordinator + 5 members) of at least 6 different Latin American countries, members of CYTED.

• For Consortium Research Project, the coordinator must be a legal non-profit organization, established in a Latin American country of the ones mentioned above.
Each proposal must be submitted by a Latin American consortium, comprising at least 6 partners contractors (including the coordinator) of at least 4 different Latin American countries, members of CYTED.

To request a proposal form must be completed the on-line form that will be enabled on the web page CYTED ( from 1 February 2011.

Actually, all documents relating to the call are available on the Programme website (under "research CYTED Call 2011").

For more information:

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

Running Projects